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Aceoffix.ExcelWriter Namespace
This namespace contains the classes for filling data into Excel spreadsheet.
Public classBorder
Border class represents the border object defined in Excel.
Public classCell
Cell class represents the cell object defined in Excel.
Public classDataField
DataField class represents a DataField item of DataFields.
Public classFont
Font class represents the font object defined in Microsoft Excel.
Public classSheet
Sheet class represents a worksheet defined in Excel.
Public classTable
Table class represents the Excel table object defined in Aceoffix.
Public classWorkbook
Representing an Excel document, Workbook class is used to dynamically output the data to the Excel document and control the format and the editing of the document.
Public interfaceIDataFieldCollection
DataField collection.
Public enumerationSheetInsertType
The insert type of the new Sheet.
Public enumerationXlBorderLineStyle
The style type of the border.
Public enumerationXlBorderType
The type of the border.
Public enumerationXlBorderWeight
The weight type of the border.
Public enumerationXlHAlign
Horizontal alignment.
Public enumerationXlVAlign
Vertical alignment.