Click or drag to resize
API Reference for JavaScript

This section contains documentation of all Aceoffix's client-side APIs. You can write JavaScript code to control AceoffixCtrl or response JavaScript events of AceoffixCtrl as well.

Note Note

We assume that the AceoffixCtrl control you put in the web page is named "AceoffixCtrl1" by default. For convenience, we use the "AceoffixCtrl1" as the name of AceoffixCtrl in all contents and examples of this section. If you use another name, do not forget to change it into yours when you copy the code of examples.

CaptionSets or retrieves a value that indicates the caption of the AceoffixCtrl.
CustomToolbarSets or retrieves a value that indicates whether show custom tool bar of the AceoffixCtrl.
DocumentObjectRetrieves a value that return automation interface of current document object.
EnableFileCommandSets or retrieves a value that indicates the enable state of file menu.
FullScreenSets or retrieves a value that indicates whether display Aceoffix control in full screen.
IsDirtyRetrieves a value that indicates whether the document in control is modified.
JsFunction_AfterDocumentClosedSets a JavaScript function for AfterDocumentClosed event.
JsFunction_AfterDocumentOpenedSets a JavaScript function for AfterDocumentOpened event.
JsFunction_AfterDocumentSavedSets a JavaScript function for AfterDocumentSaved event.
JsFunction_BeforeDocumentClosedSets a JavaScript function for BeforeDocumentClosed event.
JsFunction_BeforeDocumentSavedSets a JavaScript function for BeforeDocumentSaved event.
MenubarSets or retrieves a value that indicates whether show menu bar of the AceoffixCtrl.
OfficeToolbarsSets or retrieves a value that indicates whether show toolbars of Microsoft Office.
SaveFilePageSets or retrieves a value that indicates with which page developers would like to receive and save the document sent by AceoffixCtrl.
SaveDataPageSets or retrieves a value that indicates with which page developers would like to receive and save the data sent by AceoffixCtrl.
ShowRevisionsSets or retrieves a value that indicates whether the current Word document display revision written by users.
TitlebarSets or retrieves a value that indicates whether show title bar of the AceoffixCtrl.
AcceptAllRevisionsAccept all revisions of current Word document.
OpenDocumentOpen an Office document online.
PrintOutPrint current document.
PrintPreviewSwitches the view to print preview.
SaveDocumentSave document to Web server.
SaveDocumentAsHTMLSave current document as HTML file to web server.
ShowDialogShow the specified dialog box of AceoffixCtrl.
See Also

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