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AceoffixLinkOpenWindow Method
The static method. It is used to open an IE(Internet Explorer) window which can show the web page with Aceoffix control. This is a recommended solution which can perfectly solve the cross-browser compatibility problem. By this method, Aceoffix can perfectly support all the popular browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari (on windows) and etc..

Namespace: Aceoffix
Assembly: Aceoffix (in Aceoffix.dll) Version:
public static string OpenWindow(
	string URL,
	string Options


Type: SystemString
The URL is the page where you want to embed Aceoffix control. It is the same usage as the href of A tag in HTML code.
Type: SystemString
Set the attributes of popped-up IE window. For example: AceoffixLink.OpenWindow("word/editword.aspx","width=1050px;height=800px;").

Return Value

Type: String
Returns the link string.
See Also