Aceoffix makes the whole Office application to run on web pages and avoids the shortage of HTML editors that cannot be fully compatible to Microsoft Office.
With Aceoffix, developers can write simple code to fill data regions of Word document or cells of Excel file. Users will view formal reports on web pages.
Track change is also called Revision-only mode. Revisions modified by different users are displayed in different colors. Revision can show who modified, when the file was modified and what was modified. User can accept, reject and delete others’ revisions. In docFinalizeDraft mode, user can check and clean up all the revisions in the document.
Aceoffix can specify editable regions in a Word document. User is only allowed to edit the specific region where developer defines in a Word document. Aceoffix can control editable regions according to the access rights of users. This is very useful in workflow.
AceoffixCtrl can entirely support VBA (Visual Basic Applications) interfaces of Microsoft Office at client side. Following VBA syntax, the functionalities of Word/Excel can be called by JavaScript on web pages.
When saving a Word document, the content in DataRegion whose property is SubmitAsFile = true can be extracted and saved as a single Word file.
By programming, many Word documents can be inserted in the specified locations in a template to generate a merged document when opening the Word template online.
Print and preview Word/Excel documents on Web pages. Developers are no longer to worry about the code related to print and preview Word/Excel documents on web pages, because Aceoffix offers the whole print functionalities of Word/Excel. It's impossible for html editor.
Aceoffix is the only software which can help integrate real Microsoft Office Suite into your Website and edit Word, Excel and PPT files in browsers.
Aceoffix can run with all browsers including Chrome, Firefox, IE and etc.
Aceoffix supports ASP.NET/ASP.NET CORE, JAVA, PHP and numerous Office document formats, such as .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt and .pptx.
Print and preview Word/ Excel documents on Web Pages. Aceoffix offers real print functionalities of Word/ Excel.
Aceoffix can automatically fill data from database into Word document to generate formatted file, or extract data from Word document and save to database.